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Tiefe Töne,

Tiefere Töne

Hier haben sich zwei Jazzmusiker zu einer ganz eigenen Konstellation verbündet, um ihre Tonkreationen durch Minimalinstrumentierung zum Leben zu erwecken. Im Zentrum stehen die beiden Bassklarinetten, deren vielfältiges Klangspektrum immer wieder überrascht und fasziniert. Ergänzend kommen Klarinetten und Saxophone zum Einsatz.


Die Tieftonfraktion zaubert ein feines akustisches Programm aus kleinen Stückchen. Kuriose Vertonungen kriechender Raupen, zeitlose statische Hymnen und verträumte Schlaufen als Startrampen für Improvisationen erhalten ebenso Raum wie erlesenen Nummern von Sidney Bechet, John Scofield, Django Reinhardt und weiteren. 

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Annika Francke (DE)

​*1987 Bremen, is a saxophonist, bass clarinetist and improviser and based between Barcelona and Basel.


She studied jazz saxophone with Prof. Domenic Landolf at the music academy of Basel and has performed regularly as a saxophonist and bass clarinetist.


Her musical work contains a variety of genres and non-genres ranging between free improvisation, modern chamber jazz and experimental electro-acoustic music. 

She has collaborated with artists such as polifeme_, Ivana Ray Singh, Juan Crek, El Pricto, Dalmau Boada (Esperit!), Jordína Millà, Julián Elvira, Sònia Sánchez, Joe Smith, George Ricci, Johannes von Buttlar & Marco von Orelli.

George Ricci (UK)

​*1954, London - since 2000 in Basel


Ricci plays numerous musical instruments and feels at home in diverse musical styles. He is often seen on a mission carrying various cases with clarinets and saxophones.

He leads his own groups such as his trio with Dominik Schürmann (bass) and Samuel Dühsler (drums) and the quintet "Sons of Gumbo" and forms part of the duo Ricci-Silberschmid.

His biggest love is traditional jazz which he has been discovering and celebrating since the early 60s back in England. 


Beside music Ricci creates art and exposes his work regularly in and around Basel.

He is currently working on a photo project side by side with photographer Tjefa Wegener exploring the impact of plastic bead chains decorating bodies.





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This is Tieftonfraktion's debut album.


The duo features George Ricci and Annika Francke, mainly on bass clarinets. They share a wild sense of humour - not only at playing but also composing tunes for their very little band. Two bass clarinets are the center pieces of this unique small pair of so called 'jazz musicians' while alto saxophone or clarinet are added occasionally.

Categorizing Tieftonfraktion into one musical style isn't an easy thing, yet their finesse in finding the right music for the right place in the right moment is being carried out flexibly with a well balanced choice of instrumentation and register for each song.

Since their launch in 2014 they have gained a solid band sound, having played 50+ concerts in and around Basel (CH), Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg and Barcelona.

With a minimum of instrumentation they easily create magnificent shiny sounds in simple songs as well as rough, grumpy noises in more simple songs.




released October 1, 2021
recorded january 25th, 2020 by sergi felipe at underpool, barcelona
mixed by sergi felipe and annika francke
mastered by jonas prina
cover artwork and layout by max bastian


all compositions produced and performed by tieftonfraktion

UZR 001 LC 97348 made in the EU
(c) 2021 tieftonfraktion
(p) UMZU records

all rights reserved

"On The Deep End the bass clarinetist duo Tieftonfraktion offers a beautiful collection of musical miniatures. Each piece is carefully arranged and orchestrated into a distinctive gem. Each offers a cohesive statement with an intimate, relaxed and inpretentious spirit, where interpretation and improvisation flow seamlessly into one another.

The Deep End presents a very enjoyable set of tunes with a wide variety of styles and moods. It includes elements of the blues, chamber music, tango rhythms, chorales, jazz waltzes, plaintive unison lines and humour, all delivered with clarity and elegance.The very unusual instrumental pairing offers an intriguing and rewarding musical journey that is full of surprises. Enjoy!"    Jorge Rossy

"It's the sound of collaboration with independence and unity, plans and surprise - and stories in sound. It's easy as a listener to imagine an unwritten play or animation at times,  a conversation, a dance between figurines or a scenic outlook. 

I heard a heartfelt confession in one instrument while the other gives empathetic counsel. The quality throughout the music is a richly evocative one, and to create  this with two bass clarinets is unique. The instrumentation tells you almost nothing about the journey the listener of Tieftonfraktion's Album The Deep End will take, as the stories of the songs make you forget they are actors, until the last song waves goodbye gently, ending this make-believe cabaret."      Bill Mc Henry

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